When you’re busy running a successful business, it’s easy for all of your attention to be focused outward. However, individual coaching and employee development will help you build a leadership team that’s strong and effective. The PRADCO 360 Survey is an invaluable tool in the leadership development toolbox.


What is the PRADCO 360 Feedback Survey?

As with a regular assessment, the PRADCO 360 Feedback Surveys provide leaders with objective data by which they can measure themselves, ways they leverage strengths, and areas in which to improve. Unlike a ‘self-report’ assessment, it provides employee feedback on how other people see and experience a leader. Through a data-based approach, it provides perspective from bosses, peers, direct reports, and others with whom a leader interacts.


When Should My Organization Use the PRADCO 360?

The PRADCO 360 Survey is a great tool for employee development, as well as succession planning if you’re working to identify where potential exists within the organization. For individual coaching and employee development, the PRADCO 360 Feedback Survey is ideal for a person who has been in a new leadership role for 4–6 months, as they get good feedback before people’s opinions are set in stone. Affording a new leader this look into how they are coming across can help course-correct when things aren’t going as well as they should be. For succession planning, feedback from others is useful for high potential talent to understand which developmental areas they should be focusing on to prepare for the next role.


It’s important to note that a 360 survey shouldn’t be used in place of constructive coaching from one’s manager or as a way to exit someone from the organization. If significant effort has been put into correct problem behaviors to no avail, it is unlikely that a 360 will help. However, if someone is putting forth a good effort but has further to go to be more effective, the PRADCO 360 Feedback Survey can be a great way to augment progress. One other note of caution — the feedback survey will shine the light on areas that a person needs to develop, but they may or may not know what to do to fix things. This is where the feedback plus coaching can help an individual improve their performance and get to the next level.


How Does the PRADCO 360 Feedback Survey Augment Employee Coaching and Employee Development?

The important thing about all of PRADCO’s assessments is that they are based on research, which means that participants receive objective information about areas of strength and weakness.


The PRADCO 360 provides scores and ratings on a number of behavioral measures, but it also features open-ended comments where raters share specifics about what the leader does well and what they could do differently. These two sources of data together provide a rich look at one’s leadership style from a number of vantage points. For example, the numerical data may show that a leader struggles when it comes to building trust. Comments from those who work with them may reveal that the individual is known for not following through on commitments. These specifics can help present the information in a way that will help during the goal-setting phase later in the coaching process.


The results of the 360 Feedback Survey are meant to be constructive, not punitive — a positive way for leaders to be recognized for their strengths and to work on their weaknesses. Using the results, senior leaders can work with people to create an action plan and a set of goals they can work on. If developing their employees is the problem, for example, the plan can revolve around working with the leader to help them better coach their people.


How Can My Organization Benefit from the PRADCO 360?

From a hiring and retention perspective, developmental assessments send a clear message — this organization invests in people. They’re helpful tools for an employee in their current position, but also for career development.


Knowing that an organization invests in people can help attract talented candidates who are interested in professional development. It’s also helpful with retention. If a person gets the opportunity to get feedback from others, this indicates an interest in them long-term, which sends a positive message.


As with other assessments, the effectiveness of a 360 depends on good communication at various levels of the organization, goal-setting, and follow through. Used appropriately, it’s a valuable performance tool that can help you build stronger leaders and contribute to your organization’s overall success.



At PRADCO, we have the experience, drive, and tools to be your partner in hiring better talent. We’ll take the time to learn about your organization and customize solutions for you. We’re ready to help you hire with confidence. If you’re ready to get started, let’s talk.