Evaluating people for more than 65 years

Hiring Assessments that Save Time & Money

Hire the BEST Candidates Fast.

PRADCO’s pre-employment assessments empower you to identify the right candidate for your organization. Our customizable tools help you find the people who will perform, fit your culture, and stay with your organization for the long term.

How our assessments work

Choose assessment

Select the assessment that fits your needs and develop a customized behavioral benchmark unique to your organization.

Send to candidate

Candidates are notified of the assessment and directed to our platform.

Gain insights

When the assessment is complete, you'll receive a report detailing the candidate's fit, strengths and weaknesses, follow-up questions, and developmental suggestions.

PRADCO report cover example

Instant, insightful, and easy-to-read prehire reports

PRADCO assessment features

Suite of offerings

A variety of options are available depending on the complexity of the role and budgetary constraints.

Quick View™ testing

Online assessments provide valuable insights, follow up questions and immediate results.

Higher-level assessments

PRADCO’s higher-level assessments provide a more comprehensive analysis of strengths and weaknesses, using our consultant expertise to determine fit with your culture.

Candidate comparison

Compare candidate assessment results side-by-side to make sure you hire the right person the first time.

Follow-up questions

Our assessments provide targeted follow-up questions based on measured behaviors, giving you the tools to be a more effective interviewer.

Customizable results

Our assessments can be benchmarked and customized to better gauge role and culture fit at your organization.

Assessment certification

We can certify you and your team to read, analyze, and interpret a candidate’s assessment results for hiring and development.

Definitive recommendations

An overall score on a Quick View™ or a bottom line on a higher level assessment will help you make better hiring decisions.

Consultative collaboration

Highly qualified PRADCO consultants assist you during the selection process to make the right hiring decisions for key roles.

We’re ready to help with your talent development goals